Monday 19 October 2015

POLICY (Politechnic Linux Community) at Lhoksemawe, Indonesia




Policy is an local community of Linux  in Aceh, Indonesia. This community was created since 2006 by first generation of Information technology study program.
POLICY (Politechnic Linux Community) at Lhoksemawe, Indonesia
 In 2011, Policy organize a seminar about Debian Linux, they invite Dr.Jones Smeedegard (a Developper Debian Linux) , The topic of a seminar is Debian Asian 2011 : "Open Your mind and Explore the Debian operating system".

POLICY (Politechnic Linux Community) at Lhoksemawe, Indonesia

 Dr. Jones with lecturer Polytechnic and the developers Linux Aceh.

Policy now well known among the people of Aceh, Indonesia. They often organize some event every year, the last even is Install fest 2015 in Loby Politeknik Negeri Lhokseumawe .

The student of polytechnic lhokseumawe and public, was apreciated in this event,  they brought their laptops to install linux.
Aceh people's more familiar with Linux operating system, because this Linux community.

Location: Aceh, Indonesia


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